Share your story

Please tell us how you’ve got involved in your community.

Your story could be about a time when you felt proud of being part of something where you live. It could be about how you and others have made your local place better.

We’d really like to hear your personal story – how and why you got involved, what you did and how it made you (and others) feel.

Or you might like to tell us about why it’s been difficult to make a change in your local place, and what would help you in future. Whatever story you share, you’ll be helping us understand how more people can come together to make local places even better.

Talk with us

We’d be happy to talk with you on the phone, online or in person to hear your story. We’ll ask you a few questions, make some notes, then write up your story to share online once you’re happy with it. We’d love to have a photo or two to go with your story. If you’d like to take part, please send us a quick message now using our Contact page and we’ll get back to you.

Take part online

If you’d prefer, you can use our step by step online form to share your story with us now. The form will guide you through a few questions about what you did, what helped you to make it happen and why it’s important to you. You can also add a photo or two if you’d like. We’ll get in touch to let you know when your story is ready to go online.

Share your story – get started

Help us to hear stories from your community

It’s really important that people in all of our communities have the chance to share their stories. If you’re part of a community group or local organisation, you can also get involved by taking part in a story workshop. We’ll come and talk with a group of participants in your local place and help everyone to share their story. Of if you’d prefer to run a storytelling activity yourself, we can help you to get going.

Please Contact us if you’d like to get involved.


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